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Impassion (Mystic) Page 28

  “We’re not going to stop. We’ll level out right before going under. I’m sure you’ll do fine, but if for some reason your magic fails, I’ll pick up the slack.”

  Layla stared at the water for another moment then decided to trust him. “How will I know when you’re ready to level out?”

  “I think you’ll know when the time is right, but we can put an extra precaution in place to make you more comfortable.”

  “Like what?”

  “You’ll have to let me in your head, but I promise not to pry.”

  “Mind searching?”

  “Yes. I’ll tell you when to pull out of the dive by putting the words straight in your head.”

  “Are you sure I’ll get them?”

  “Yes. Well, actually, it might be a good idea to check. I tried to tap into your mind yesterday when you left the community, and I could feel you, but I couldn’t find you or get in. But then I had no problem finding you at the beach. I don’t know why there were inconsistencies, so we should probably make sure I have access now.”

  “How will we do that?”

  “You don’t have to do anything, but I would rather do it with your permission than without. I didn’t like intruding on you like that.”

  “Oh. I don’t care. It’s not like you can’t see everything in my aura anyway.”

  “I won’t be looking,” he pressed, “just communicating, so don’t try to hide. That might block me altogether.”

  “I’m not trying to hide,” she countered.

  “I didn’t say you were,” he soothed. “I’m saying don’t.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  He smiled as he touched a thumb to her pout. ‘Can you hear me, beautiful?’

  Layla’s lips parted as his voice resonated in her mind, like a gentle echo deep within her ears.

  She gave a tiny nod, so he continued. ‘Does this make you more confident to jump?’

  She nodded again, and his smile widened as he caressed her lip. ‘As long as you’re open to my thoughts like you are now, you’ll hear me, but if for some reason you don’t level out in time, I’ll keep you safe. Okay?’

  “Okay,” she agreed, breaking eye contact to look at the water. “I guess we’re jumping.”

  “Only if you want to.”

  “I do. It’s just a little scary. But that’s the point, right? No fear, no thrill?” She hopped around, half afraid half excited.

  “Hey,” Quin laughed, squeezing her hand.

  “Hey back,” she returned, looking up at him.

  He leaned in for a fast and intense kiss. Then he flashed deep dimples. “On three.”

  “Oh god,” she breathed, gripping his hand tighter.


  Her chest rapidly rose and fell as her pulse spiked.


  She gave a tiny squeak then sucked in air, holding it as she bent her knees.


  They both jumped, stretching their arms out in front of them. Then they leaned headfirst into the dive.

  Layla forced her eyes open, watching sea foam rushed toward them while registering every detail of the short trip—the flipping of her insides as gravity sucked her in; the shivering of flesh as it broke through moist air; the explosive rush of adrenaline that pervaded her veins the moment her feet left the ground. But she barely had time to focus on each sensation before she knew it must end.

  As soon as she thought it, Quin’s voice broke in and said it. ‘Now.’

  Their fingertips barely brushed the crest of a wave as they leveled out. Then they shot across the water, following the moon’s rippled reflection.

  Layla looked at Quin, unable to stifle her cheesy grin or close her eyes as she attempted to mind search him. ‘Thank you.’

  He pulled her hand to his lips and gave it a kiss. ‘You’re welcome.’

  She looked down, sweeping her fingers along the shiny surface of the sea. Then she dipped her toes in, receiving a tickling chill in return.

  Following several seconds of unbelievable travel, they slowed and pulled upright, letting the tide kiss the tips of their toes.

  Layla scanned the horizon, enraptured by the view, but the moment Quin’s shirt disappeared, the rest of the world went with it. Huh? What horizon? He might as well have hypnotized her, because the next thing she knew, she was pressed to his bare chest with her cheek on his shoulder.

  He burrowed through her hair and touched his lips to her neck. Then he moved his palms to hers and linked their fingers. She furrowed her eyebrows, too confused to react. Then she gasped as adrenaline hit her like a shotgun blast.

  Excitement and prickling energy flowed from his skin, and her own adrenaline expanded, seeping through her pores into his. They were sharing each other’s fervor, and the potency was unbelievable. Surely tiny holes would appear in her flesh any moment, allowing the heightened sensations to shine through. How long could her body possibly take the frenzied intoxication? It was so intense, it was almost painful, much like the feeling she’d experienced right before he brought her to climax three nights before.

  Nerve endings on fire, she stretched her teeth over his neck, trying not to scream or burst as her body vibrated, particularly the parts that were supernaturally stuck to him.

  His tension suddenly eased, and the intense thrill followed, leaving her dazed and euphoric. “Wow,” she breathed.

  “Mmm…” he agreed, sweeping his lips across her pulse. Then he licked and pulled away. “That was incredible. You have to come here with me from now on, you know? I doubt I’ll be able to appreciate solo trips after this.”

  Layla kissed his neck then raised her head. “If I find out you’re coming here without me, I’ll be very disappointed, so don’t test your theory.”

  “I’m not a masochist,” he assured, lifting her hands to his mouth.

  He hotly breathed across her knuckles, and magical warmth spread throughout her entire body.

  “Wow,” she whispered, watching him with big eyes. “That’s how you stay warm.”

  He winked and flashed a grin. “Hold your breath.”


  “You better hurry,” he warned, and she frantically sucked in air, holding it as he plunged their bodies into the ocean.

  Icy water rushed over hot flesh, and another powerful chill tickled Layla from head to toe. Their bodies sank several feet before floating to the surface, and she gasped before bursting into laughter.

  Quin laughed with her as he swept wet curls from her face and magically cleaned saltwater from her eyes. “I guess you’re not mad.”

  “Of course not,” she answered, blinking her lids open over a smile. “That felt great.”

  “Are you cold?”

  “A little, now that your heat’s wearing off.”

  He pulled her close, hotly breathing across her lips, and the warmth reached her entire body, contrasting with the freezing water lapping at her skin.

  “You’re amazing,” she whispered. “I can’t believe how lucky I am.”

  “Nuh-uh, Layla Love. I’m the lucky one. I know people who would seriously consider killing for this opportunity.”

  An unwelcome thought struck Layla, and she averted her gaze as she struggled with the urge to hide her aura.

  Quin lifted her chin and breathed more heat into her body. “What’s wrong?”

  “Absolutely nothing,” she answered, meeting his stare. “This is perfect, a dream come true.”

  “Then tell me what’s going on in that lovely head of yours. You don’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed around me.”

  “But I am ashamed, because it was a ridiculous notion, and it shouldn’t ruin the moment.”

  “I won’t let it ruin anythi
ng. Promise.”

  Layla’s nostrils flared, partly because she was mad at herself for having the stupid thought, and partly because she couldn’t hide anything around him. “It doesn’t matter what the answer is, so you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Actually, I’d probably prefer it that way, because... well, I was wondering how many women you’ve done this with.” She wanted to smack her forehead, but merely looked down.

  “One,” he answered.

  She looked back up, searching his eyes and aura for the truth. “Besides me?”

  “No, Layla, just you. You’re the only person I’ve even considered bringing here.”

  “Oh,” she mumbled. “I shouldn’t have asked.”

  “I disagree,” he countered. Then he warmed her up before arguing his case. “If you ever have notions like that, I’d rather you tell me than let them haunt you. Don’t you feel better now that you’ve asked?”

  “Yes, but what if I hadn’t liked the answer?”

  “Keeping the question to yourself will only make you assume the worst, and that’s not any better than disliking the answer.”

  “I guess,” she conceded, dropping her gaze.



  “I want you to look at me when I say this.”

  She looked up, and he soberly held her stare as he went on. “I realize it makes you uncomfortable to think about my past relationships, but you have nothing to worry about, and I have nothing to hide. What we have together is unlike anything I’ve ever known, so even if I had brought another woman here, I can promise you it wouldn’t have been like this.” He paused long enough to warm her up. Then he continued. “When you start feeling insecure, I want you to tell me, because holding it in will put tension between us, and that’s the last thing I want. Whatever the issue is, I’ll find a way to fix it, and I’ll never get upset with you for giving me the opportunity.”

  Layla’s heart swelled with pleasurable pulses as her insecurities melted away. “You’re amazing,” she repeated, “and yes, I’ll try to be honest about my concerns, but you have to be patient with me, because I’m not used to sharing with anyone besides Katherine.”

  “I’ll be as patient as you need me to be,” he offered. “I’m in this for the long haul.”

  “Would you believe me if I said I was, too?”

  “Yes, but I’m still going to give you the opportunity to make sure.”

  “Then I could say the opportunity extends to you.”

  He smiled and tapped her stubborn chin. “You can say that if it makes you feel better.”

  “I would say you’re being unfair,” she returned, wrinkling her nose, “but it’s the opposite of that.”

  He warmed her up again, following the hot breath with a kiss. “I do know we’re happy together, and it’s my sincerest hope we’ll feel this way forever.”

  “Me, too, Quin. I’ve never been happier than I am when I’m with you. I don’t want it to be that way with anybody else.”

  “Believe me, I want it all for myself. And I’ll do whatever I have to do to make sure I get it. When it comes to keeping you in my life, fighting fair becomes a relatively loose term.”

  “Do you want me to put up a fight?” she asked, sliding her hands down his bare chest. “I would hate for you to get bored because it’s too easy.”

  “Impossible, but that grin of yours intrigues me. How exactly do you intend to fight?”

  “Are you asking me to give away my secrets?” she countered, slipping her fingers beneath his waistband. She stretched her hands out over the front of his hips and was surprised to find he wasn’t wearing anything under his shorts.

  He warmed her up. Then he held her close as he floated halfway out of the water, stopping with the surface lapping at her waist. “You don’t have to give away your secrets,” he said, sweeping a few stray curls behind her. “I like surprises, but you don’t seem to be putting up much of a fight.”

  Paying little attention to his words, Layla slid her hands to his hard backside, sighing as she squeezed and pulled. She bit her lip, trying to hide a grin. Then she imagined his shorts floating beside her. The magic worked, and her eyes widened the same time his did.

  He stiffened and glanced over, and she laughed while floating his shorts further away.

  “You’re naked,” she teased, raising her eyebrows.

  He swallowed hard as he took her cheeks in his palms. “You’re walking a thin line, tempting me this way.”

  “Oh?” she returned, moving her mouth to his neck.

  Quin tilted his head back and closed his eyes, trying to decide if he could handle the temptation. If she had any idea how hungry he was, she wouldn’t be dangling the fruit so close to his mouth. She also had no idea how sweet the fruit was, or how enticing it smelled and looked. Only part of her wanted him to bite—the part kissing his throat. Then there was the part of her that would be mortified if he actually took the bait—the part with blushing cheeks and a nervous pulse.

  Quin didn’t want part of her. He wanted it all, so he used magic to keep their lower halves pressed together. If she were to wiggle down and move against him, he’d surely break, and she’d quickly find herself spread open in the middle of a salty ocean.

  He reached behind him, finding her wrists. Then he raised them over her head, forcing her mouth from his neck. He met her stare—huge emeralds holding a chaotic combination of anticipation, nervousness and embarrassment. Then he magically lowered the top of her gown to her waist. She quietly gasped, but she didn’t flex or try to free her hands.

  Quin stared at her wet torso for a long time, literally unable to look away. Moonlight merged with shadow along her stomach and chest, accentuating her curves; and her pink nipples were alert and beading with moisture, tempting droplets quivering on the precipice of paradise.

  He slid one hand to the small of her back while placing the other between her breasts. Then he leaned her top half toward the water. She let him to do it and only flushed with a light blush when he lowered his mouth. He kissed the smooth skin stretching across her ribs. Then he worked his way up, delivering magical warmth with every sweep of his lips.

  His impatient tongue found one of her nipples, and he gave her an extra shot of heat as he sucked her in. Her hands clasped his shoulders as a purr rolled up her chest, and he froze, magically redirecting blood flow from his groin. The pressure subsided, but the moment he took her other nipple in his mouth, the tide swept her skirt between his legs and his veins nearly burst.

  Holding one breast in his palm, he kissed his way to her lips. Then he blasted her with heat while lowering their bodies into the water. “I have to stop. You can say you won this fight if you want to.”

  She grinned and opened her eyes. “Were we fighting?”

  “Um... yeah. I’m fighting a battle, and I will be until you return my shorts.”

  “So whose side do you think I’m on?” she countered. “I mean, if you think I won, yet I’m supposed to give you your shorts, you must think I’m on your side. Right? Or would that mean you’re on my side?”

  He tried to make sense of her question, but the sensation of her dress against his unrestrained manhood scattered his brain. “I can’t really comprehend what you’re asking, so if it’s important, remind me later, when I can properly focus.”

  “Are you bothered right now?” she quietly asked, touching a forefinger to his lips.

  He cleared his throat and squeezed his eyes shut. “That depends on how you look at it.”

  Layla grinned, remembering how many times he’d pulled her to the edge only to step back and leave her there. Could she get away with giving him a small dose of his own delicious medicine? She was dying to find out.

  She took an indiscreet gulp of air. Then she magically tr
ansferred her dress and underwear into her hand. His eyes widened, and the magic keeping their lower halves pressed together ceased.

  Layla slid further into the sea, gasping as certain body parts came way closer to each other than she’d intended. But she wouldn’t let it flaw her plan. It only made it better.

  She shot out of the water into an open back flip. Then she stopped and hovered a few yards away, allowing him a thorough look. His dumbfounded expression provoked a string of giggles, which she let loose while transferring their clothes onto their bodies.

  Quin groaned and adjusted himself. Then he flew from the water to meet her. “That,” he whispered, pulling her against him, “was not fighting fair.”

  She smiled at him, half angelic half devilish. “You’re not terribly mad at me, are you?”

  “No. I’m definitely not mad at you. I want you, and I appreciate you, but I couldn’t possibly be mad at you.”

  “But I crossed your line,” she noted, fluttering her eyelashes.

  “And you did it beautifully,” he commended.

  She shivered, so he delivered more heat with a soft kiss. “Thank you for letting me look at your amazing body. I’ll have sweet dreams about it for the rest of my life.”

  “I’ll let you see it again sometime. But you should probably return the favor eventually.”

  “You could have already seen it if you really wanted to.”

  “How’s that?”

  “I go to sleep, and you obviously have no problem vanishing my clothes.”

  She suspiciously eyed his twitching lips. “You don’t do that, do you?”

  “What if I said I did? Would you be angry?”

  “Tell me you’re kidding, Quin.”

  “I’ll tell you the truth after you answer my question. Would it make you angry if I removed your clothes while you slept?”

  Her nervous expression stayed in place as she seriously considered this. “I don’t know how angry I would be, but I would feel violated, embarrassed, and afraid to fall asleep. And I would be disappointed, because I didn’t think you were that kind of man. There, that’s my honest answer. Now tell me, have you done that?”