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Books 1-3 Page 23

  “Then it’s a date,” Aedan approved.

  Still tired from their long journey, Caitrin and Morrigan went to bed early, but Aedan and Rhosewen stayed downstairs, cuddling on the couch as they flipped through commercial property listings in Cannon Beach. When Aedan caught Rhosewen yawning, he ignored her protests and carried her upstairs, setting her down outside her bedroom door.

  “Are you really going to leave?” she asked, puckering up at him.

  “I’ll never leave you,” he assured, touching her pout. “But yes, I’m going to the guestroom.”

  “Why?” she asked, fidgeting with his shirt buttons.

  “Because I don’t want things to be awkward with your parents.”

  “Hmm . . .” she hummed, cuddling closer. “That’s noble of you.”

  He laughed and kissed her head. “You’re making fun of me.”

  “Because you’re holding out on me,” she countered, rubbing her lips over his heart.

  Aedan tilted his head back and closed his eyes, taking a relaxing breath. “Not for long,” he assured, pulling her from his chest. Then he softly kissed her lips. “Goodnight, Rose.”

  “Night,” she conceded, taking a step back.

  Aedan smiled at the ornery twinkle in her eyes. Then he turned and walked away, thinking he really needed to get to work on that house.

  When he reached his room, he called his parents, only to find they hadn’t located Medea. Every magician in Virginia had been alerted to the situation, but no one had seen her since Saturday morning.

  After hanging up the phone, Aedan replaced his worry about Medea with a crystal clear image of Rhosewen then took a shower—a cold one.

  He’d only been lying in bed for a few seconds when there was a soft knock on the door. “Yeah?” he quietly called.

  The door opened, and Rhosewen slipped inside, flashing a smile as she clicked the latch into place. Aedan smirked at her stubbornness. Then his breath caught in his chest as she stepped into the moonlight.

  She wore a wispy, white nightgown with thin straps and a deep neckline, displaying her slender collarbones.

  Aedan swallowed a lump then slid his gaze down her curvy waist, his lips parting with a reverent sigh. The hem of her gown wafted around her upper thighs, giving him his first full view of her legs, which were even better than he’d imagined, and he’d imagined them perfect.

  She walked toward him, her ivory skin glittering with every fluid step. “Were you sleeping?” she whispered, climbing into bed.

  Aedan rolled onto his side and propped his head on his hand, scanning her from head to toe. “Nuh-uh.”

  She wiggled closer. “I was missing you.”

  “What a coincidence,” he whispered, drifting his thumb over her cheek. “I was missing you.”

  He wanted to see the rest of her body, the parts hidden beneath the thin nightgown. They called his name, testing his self-control. “You have a fantastic body, Rose. If you’re here to tempt me, mission accomplished.”

  “How tempted are you?”

  “Very, but I don’t want to push my luck.”

  “You’re sweet,” she whispered, searching his gaze, “and I love that about you, but right now, there’s something else I want.”

  “I’ll give you the world, Rose.”

  “I don’t want the world. I want you.”

  “Now?” he laughed.

  Rhosewen knew exactly what she wanted. She’d known the moment she met him. She’d been dreaming about a future with him for eight nights. And she was confident in their relationship, in his love for her. The proof was in his aura every minute of every day; in his eyes every time he looked at her; in his voice every time he spoke to her; and in the way he touched her, constantly and carefully. He gave her everything she needed, yet she yearned for more. She would never get enough of him.

  “Yes,” she answered.

  Aedan’s heart was no longer his own. Not even a little bit. She’d stolen it. He had no idea what he’d done to deserve such blessings, but he certainly wouldn’t toss them aside. “Close your eyes,” he instructed. “I have something for you.”

  She smiled as she obeyed, and a few seconds later, he kissed her grin while placing her ring in her palm. “I love you,” he whispered. “You can look now.”

  “Oh!” she gasped, glancing between his face and the most beautiful ring she’d ever seen. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “I’m glad you think so, because you’re my muse.”

  “It’s perfect,” she whispered, running a finger across the pale pink stone. “What is this?”


  She gasped again, slapping a hand over her mouth. “This is amazing,” she mumbled, shaking her head.

  “You deserve nothing less,” he replied, pulling her hand from her mouth. “I want you to have it now, but if you decide to marry me, I’d like it to be your wedding ring.”

  She flipped her gaze to his face. “Are you asking?”

  “Yes. I know it’s soon, so we can wait if you’d like, but I plan on sticking around as long as you’ll have me.”

  “Then yes,” she beamed, “I would love to marry you.”

  Aedan was pleasantly surprised by her quick agreement. “Then that’s what you’ll do. When?”

  “How about tomorrow?” she suggested, only half-serious.

  He laughed and kissed her hand. “How about we talk to our parents tomorrow and see what they think? As soon as we can get everyone together, I’ll give you the wedding of your dreams.”

  “You give me too much.”

  “I told you I’d give you the world,” he countered.

  “You did,” she remembered, taking a closer looking at the ring. Then she gasped again, finding the rose engraved on the gold backing. The bottom of its long stem curved to the left then looped down into cursive letters reading My Love. “You engraved it,” she whispered, running a finger over the miniscule message.

  “Of course I did,” he replied. “May I put it on you?”

  “Yes,” she agreed, quivering with excitement.

  Aedan took the ring from her palm, and she turned her hand over, letting him slip the band on her third finger. “Rhosewen Keely Conn, will you make me the luckiest husband on earth?”

  Rhosewen tilted her hand left and right, watching the zultanite glimmer through emotional tears. “Yes,” she answered, smiling up at him. “I want you forever, Aedan.”

  “You got me,” he assured, lowering his lips to hers. “Forever.”

  They kissed, slow and sweet at first, but as their heartbeats quickened, passion took over. For nine days they’d been engulfed by emotions they didn’t understand, experiencing the strongest desire of their lives, struggling with constant temptation.

  Their lips broke apart, and they intently stared at each other, gasping for air as his thumb stroked her quivering lips. “I want you, Rose.”

  “I want you, too,” she insisted.

  But he didn’t rush what was sure to be the most amazing moment of his life. At first, he just looked at her, focusing on each of his favorite features—the smoothness and coloring of her skin, her pouty lips and tiny nose, the long eyelashes fluttering around sparkling blue oceans, and the golden spirals framing her perfect face.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, trailing his fingertips across her forehead. “I can’t believe how lucky I am.”

  He leaned in for a kiss, and Rhosewen melted into him, lost in deep emeralds as the rest of the world blurred. Then the world as they knew it flipped upside down.

  The moment they united, they adhered together like magnets, electrifying energy tingling their fingers, toes and scalps. Then their lungs emptied as a mystical force lifted them from the bed, suspending them in mid-air. The electricity flowed inward—one spine-tingling force colliding with another—and heat exploded throughout their veins, surging from their flesh and brightening the atmosphere. Just as beads of sweat started forming, a wave of cool air rushed over them, follow
ed by a flood of incredibly complete physical, mental and emotional euphoria.

  Hearts pounding, they tightened their arms around each other as they drifted to the bed, amazed, stunned and changed. They still held each other’s eyes, but saw each other differently, with perfect clarity. What was once beautiful had reached a magical level, and a shimmery golden light surrounded their vibrating bodies, adding to the radiant glow of their delighted auras.

  They’d bonded—every intangible piece of them connected together indefinitely.

  Chapter Seven

  Bonded. Aedan and Rhosewen couldn’t believe it. Bonding was so rare, it was quite amazing two bonded children had met and fallen in love. For Rhosewen and Aedan to bond as well was nothing short of a miracle. As far as they knew, it was a first.

  “That, my beautiful Rose,” Aedan whispered, hugging her languid body close, “was the most amazing moment of my life. I’ve heard about it, but words can’t do it justice.”

  “I know!” she agreed, grinning up at him. “It was incredible, absolutely incomparable to anything else I’ve ever experienced. I still can’t believe it. Maybe I’m dreaming.”

  “Well do me a favor—don’t wake up.”

  “If making love to you didn’t wake me up, nothing will.”

  He laughed as he leaned in, drifting his lips across her forehead. “You know what this means, right? You’re stuck with me. Forever.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she assured.

  “Good,” he approved, nuzzling her spirals, dreading the moment he’d have to let her go. “We need to start working on a house, my love. Our current living arrangement no longer works for me.”

  “Oh no,” she gasped.

  Aedan leaned back, finding flushed cheeks and wide eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asked. For him, the world was right, so he had no idea what could be upsetting her.

  “My parents!” she exclaimed. “They’re going to know. As soon as they see us tomorrow, they’re going to know what we did and when we did it.”

  Aedan hadn’t considered that yet, but she was right. As soon as Morrigan and Caitrin saw them together, they’d notice their bonded lights. Therefore, they’d know their daughter had sex in their house while they were asleep down the hall. “I’m sorry, Rose. We couldn’t have known.”

  “I know,” she breathed, trying to relax. “It’s okay. It’ll be all right. But that’s embarrassing.”

  “And unnerving,” Aedan mumbled, his stomach squirming as he thought about the expression he would see on Caitrin’s face in the morning. How many ways could he mess up when it came to his future in-laws? It seemed he was on a fast track to finding out. Never had he put so much effort into staying in someone’s good graces, yet every time he turned around a kink was thrown into his plan. Not that he would ever regret bonding with his perfect Rose. He would disappoint the whole world to keep her staring at him like he was the only man on earth.

  Rhosewen bathed in Aedan’s obvious admiration, her lips curving into a small grin. Then she snuggled into his chest. “If anyone will understand, it should be them, right? They know what it’s like.”

  “Yeah,” Aedan laughed. “Maybe your dad will be so impressed with my restraint thus far, he’ll forget to hate me.”

  Rhosewen giggled and nipped at his chest. “I hope so, because if he tosses you out, we’ll both be camping on the lawn.”

  “You’d banish yourself for me?” he asked.

  “In a heartbeat,” she confirmed, touching her lips to his pulsing pecs. Then they both stilled, saying nothing as they reveled in their newly discovered happiness, love and unity.

  Aedan eventually worked his lips through her curls, softly whispering as he kissed her ear. “Will you be returning to your bedroom soon?”

  She smiled and turned her head, suggestively raising her eyebrows. “Do you have a better idea?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do,” he said, taking her with him as he rolled onto his back.

  The following morning, in order to get the embarrassing ordeal over with, Aedan and Rhosewen entered the kitchen hand in hand, looking guilty as they paused in the doorway.

  When Morrigan glanced up, her mouth fell open and an egg dropped to the floor. “Rhosewen,” she breathed, clutching her chest as she swept toward them.

  She took Rhosewen’s cheeks, intently searching her eyes. Then she showered her face in kisses. “Oh, sweetie . . . I’m so . . . happy for you.” She moved to Aedan, kissing him as well. “For both . . . of you.”

  The crack of eggshell compelled Caitrin to look up, and like his wife, his mouth fell open. He scanned the golden haze around his daughter then flipped his gaze to Aedan, clearing his throat as he rose from his chair.

  “Congratulations,” he offered, holding his heart as he moved around the table. After shaking Aedan’s hand, he cradled Rhosewen’s face, searching it with misty eyes. “I’m happy for you, sweetheart. This is an amazing union.” He kissed her rosy cheeks then glanced at Aedan. “Not to mention unbelievable.”

  “We were pretty stunned ourselves,” Aedan agreed. “Have you heard of another like it?”

  “No. If this has happened before, it’s remained a well-kept secret. This could be history in the making.”

  “I don’t want to make history,” Aedan countered. “I just want to take care of Rose and keep our lives to ourselves. This isn’t the world’s business.”

  “True,” Caitrin conceded, “but anyone who knows you will know what an anomaly this is.”

  “Yes, but I’m not worried about them. I’d prefer it if word doesn’t spread beyond our friends and family.”

  “A reasonable request,” Caitrin approved. “I’ll do my part to make it so, but it would seem the Heavens are already smiling on you—a gift mere mortals like me simply cannot match.”

  Aedan smiled at Rhosewen. “Rose and I are very lucky—blessed by the Heavens and loved by our families.”

  Caitrin watched the new bonded mates for a moment then cleared his throat. “Is there a wedding in the stars?”

  “Yes,” Aedan answered. “I asked Rose to marry me last night, and she accepted. You and Morrigan’s blessing would mean the world to us.”

  “Of course you have our blessing,” Caitrin approved, wrapping his arm around Morrigan’s shoulders. “We would be fools to think we could keep a bonded couple apart. We wouldn’t want to try.”

  “Never,” Morrigan agreed, “lest the Goddess Willa smite us down.”

  “The goddess of mercy?” Aedan laughed. “If she didn’t smite the lord of the underworld, she won’t be targeting anyone around here. And thank you for your blessing. We’ll keep it close to our hearts.”

  “Thank you, Daddy,” Rhosewen added, hovering from the ground to kiss his cheek.

  Morrigan was beside herself with joy, bouncing in anticipation. “We have a lot to do if we’re going to plan a wedding. We’ll need a dress, flowers, a ring…”

  “I have a ring,” Rhosewen interjected. “He gave it to me last night.”

  She proudly flashed her ring, and Morrigan gasped as she took her wrist, demanding a closer look. “What is this stone?” she asked, twisting Rhosewen’s hand side to side. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “Zultanite,” Rhosewen answered, grinning from ear to ear.

  Her parents looked at her face, making sure they’d heard correctly.

  “I know!” she exclaimed. “Isn’t he amazing?” She hovered from the ground and threw her arms around Aedan’s neck, planting a kiss on his cheek. “And he’s mine.”

  With no reason to delay, the wedding was planned and scheduled within a month; set for the third weekend in July. The vows would be said on the coven’s lawn, and dozens of guests would fly in to witness.

  Rhosewen had taken a leave of absence from work, partly because she hated the thought of being away from Aedan every day, and partly to help with wedding arrangements, but her aid proved unnecessary. With so many witches scrambling to offer help, the bride and gr
oom merely made choices, and they agreed on everything, so decisions were made easily and immediately.

  With their wedding being organized by others, Aedan and Rhosewen concentrated on building their house. Everything in, on and around it was touched by their hands and magic, reflecting their tastes and talent.

  Three days before the wedding, they hung their porch swing, successfully completing their new home. As they stood in the rose garden, admiring their handiwork, Daleen and Serafin arrived, glancing around as they alighted in the middle of the lawn. When they spotted Aedan and Rhosewen, they beamed and flew forward, arms outstretched.

  “I can’t believe it,” Daleen exclaimed, tightly hugging Aedan’s waist. “What are the odds?”

  “On this,” Serafin said, giving Rhosewen a gentle hug, “there are no odds.” He stepped back, taking a moment to scan the happy couple. “The bonded lights look lovely and absolutely right on you guys. The Heavens smile on my son and his bride-to-be.”

  “They bathe us in blessings,” Aedan agreed, taking Daleen and Rhosewen under his arms.

  After a tour of the community, Aedan showed his parents to Caitrin and Morrigan’s guestroom. Then he suggested Daleen view the wedding preparations with Morrigan and Rhosewen while the wizards take a trip to Cannon Beach.

  Thirty minutes later, the three men sat in an uncrowded corner of the café owned by Caitrin’s sister, Cinnia Giles.

  Aedan had led Rhosewen to believe this was a pleasure trip, but it was anything but pleasurable. Ignoring his fresh coffee, he looked to his dad, his jaw and shoulders tense. “Where’s Medea?” he demanded.

  For two weeks they’d been tracking Medea’s movements. She’d turned nomadic, leaving home the same day Aedan had. One week into her solo travels, Serafin received terrifying news.

  Aedan vividly remembered his dad’s phone call.

  “I just got word from south Texas,” Serafin had revealed. “Medea was there yesterday.”

  At first Aedan was relieved to hear Medea was so far away. Three days earlier she’d been spotted twenty miles east of Portland. To hear she was in America’s heartland loosened the knot in his stomach.