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Impassion (Mystic) Page 13

  A quick search of Garibaldi yielded only one business owned by magicians, and the aromatherapy shop sat right off the Oregon Coast Highway, drawing a steady stream of hexless shoppers, who were tended to by three magicians.

  Another thing the stranger had learned during his quest for Layla—social covens kept close tabs on their neighbors. If the stranger were to expose himself to the magical entrepreneurs in the area, his questions would soon get back to the Conn/Kavanagh coven, and his disguise was merely a veil, easily torn away should he draw the attention of cautious locals.

  The stranger wouldn’t always remain a mystery. The veil was destined to come off, but it would be on his terms, not a paranoid shopkeeper with nothing better to do than stir up drama, so he decided not to question the magicians in the aromatherapy shop. Instead, he blended in with a group of bored men and eavesdropped on the clerks’ conversations.

  For all he knew, the three attendants were members of the Conn/Kavanagh coven, so he hoped for a treasure trove of information, but he heard nothing useful until a shopper inquired about locally grown produce.

  “There’s a great place outside of Rockaway Beach,” a clerk offered, “the town north of here.” Then she explained how to get there while drawing a map for her customer.

  Following the clerk’s detailed directions, the stranger flew toward a produce stand located five miles northeast of Rockaway Beach. The clerk had warned her customer that the stand was out in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road, and the stranger was pleased to see she didn’t exaggerate. The muddy path climbed a hill as it cut through thick timber, curving until town and ocean disappeared.

  Staying concealed, the stranger approached a clear cut containing a large greenhouse with an old wizard at its entrance. A hand-painted billboard displaying prices was folded out beside a rocking chair, in which the old man sat under an awning, swaying with the wind as he read a book.

  The stranger quietly alighted on a branch then expanded his mind to the edges of the clearing, finding nothing but woodland creatures. He and the old man were alone. Perfect.

  The stranger flew from the branch and returned to the front of the greenhouse, rubbing his chin and jaw as he landed several yards away from his mark. He slid his hands through his hair as he lifted his concealment spells. Then he slipped on a pair of sunglasses and casually walked forward.

  “Good book?” he greeted.

  The rocking chair squeaked to a halt as the old man closed his literature and leaned forward, stretching the fingers of his right hand.

  “Guess not,” the stranger went on, scanning the man’s wary aura.

  “What can I do for you?” the seller asked, setting his book aside.

  The stranger halted his approach and held his hands out in peace, attempting to play nice. “I hear you have the best produce in the area.”

  “Where did you hear that?”

  “Another shop. Did they speak the truth?”

  “They did. I’m a wholesaler for local covens. Some produce is grown in here,” he added, pointing a thumb at the greenhouse, “but the bulk is imported.”

  “You get that much business?” the stranger asked, looking down the dirt road.

  “We deliver to hexless retailers and restaurants,” the man explained, rising from his chair. After scanning the stranger from head to toe, he smoothed his expression, but his aura broadcasted his unyielding distrust. “So what brings you to the area? Visiting a local?”

  “Yeah,” the stranger answered, resuming his trek. “Mind if I take a look at your product? I need to impress a witch with dinner.”

  “Don’t we all?” the man returned, waving him in.

  The stranger smiled as he passed the local and entered the greenhouse, but he wasn’t the least bit happy with the situation. No way would this man willingly let him get close enough to rummage through his brain. “Surely a wizard with your experience has been tied down long enough to avoid such silly endeavors.”

  “My wife died three years ago,” the local replied, following his customer inside. “Why don’t you take off those glasses so you can find what you’re looking for? Who did you say you’re visiting?”

  “I didn’t,” the stranger answered, deciding there wasn’t a peaceful way to get the job done.

  He swiftly rotated, and before the old man could widen his eyes, the stranger had his gray hair in one hand and his swollen larynx in the other.

  “Son of a bitch,” the seller rasped, raising a palm.

  “Nuh-uh,” the stranger objected, and a magical cord slid around the man’s wrists, yanking them to his sides. “If you fight me, you will die.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Somebody looking for answers, and you’re going to give them to me. Then I’ll rid your mind of this encounter.”

  “You’ll get no cooperation from me.”

  “Then I’ll take it.”

  The stranger spread his hand out over the old man’s skull, and was bombarded by broken and senseless thoughts. “Stop blocking,” he ordered, giving him a shake.

  “I don’t know what you seek,” the man choked.

  “Information on a coven, the Conn/Kavanaghs.”

  The local’s eyes grew huge as he fought his restraints. “Go to hell.”

  “Been there. Now give me everything you know about the Conn/Kavanagh coven—where they live, how many members they have, how many males, females and children. If you know it, I want to know it. Understand?”

  “You’ll get nothing from me,” the local resisted. “And I suggest you go back to where you came from. Mess with that coven, and you might as well sign your own death warrant.”


  “They are stronger than you’ll ever be.”

  “A bold statement considering how quickly you fell victim to my power.”

  “I’m not talking about power.”

  The stranger furrowed his eyebrows as he took the bait. “Then what are you talking about?”

  “A gift,” the man answered, growing still. “A blessing people like you will always underestimate.” No longer did he pull at his bindings, but his thoughts remained jumbled.

  “Which is?” the stranger urged.

  “Love and loyalty,” the man whispered. Then he lunged forward, leaving severed hairs in his captor’s hand as he freed his neck. He whirled around, his wrinkled lips stretching as his bony fingers flexed, and flames rolled from his throat as the earth shifted and crumbled.

  “Shit,” the stranger cursed, whipping his hands up.

  A misty barrier flowed from his palms, resisting the bulk of the blast, but flames rolled around the shield and singed his arms. Mud swallowed his calves, wreaking havoc on his balance, and the local was taking a deep breath, preparing to belch more flames. Clever old fart.

  “Enough,” the stranger yelled, flicking a wrist, and his foe flew backward, crashing into a row of tomato plants before crumpling to the ground. The earth beneath the stranger stilled, and he trudged from loose soil, his gaze glued to the fool who’d sentenced himself to death.

  Running healing hands over his arms, the stranger crossed the greenhouse, determined to break open the local’s mind before dispatching him, but as he approached the body, the stubborn elder jerked upright and threw another spell from stretched fingertips.

  Summoned vines lurched at the stranger, encircling his neck, and he grasped at the plants while narrowing his eyes. “You just drew your last breath,” he wheezed, lips growing numb.

  Fighting for air, he pried his fingers from the thriving flora then aimed a palm at the determined old man. The local dropped to the dirt, convulsing and gurgling blood. Then the deadly vines withered as their caster went limp, drained of life and any knowledge he held on his neighbors.

  “Damn,” the strang
er mumbled, rubbing his throat as he brushed dead leaves from his shoulders. “We could have done this the easy way.”

  He stepped forward and knelt, checking the man for a pulse, but it was obvious by his absent aura and the blood running from his ears that he was dead.

  “You saw that, right?” the stranger called to the sky, to the souls who’d warned him to tread lightly. “I had no choice.”

  Of course they didn’t answer. He found them only in the deepest moments of meditation, so he sighed and looked at his victim. “Damn you,” he scorned, picking up a tomato plant. “Now I have to clean your mess.”

  Chapter 12

  Drained of energy yet full of anticipation, Layla stood on her deck, watching her grandmas walk away. When they reached the corner of her house, they paused and looked back.

  “Relax for while,” Morrigan suggested. “You have a big night ahead of you.”

  Layla nodded her agreement as she waved goodbye, but she didn’t have time to relax. She needed to call Travis and change her clothes, and she wanted to practice the magic she’d learned that morning.

  As soon as she entered the house, she found her cell and dialed Travis, hoping her long-distance encouragement would help, but he didn’t answer, so she had to leave her pep-talk on his voicemail.

  After setting the phone aside, she tried to ease her sore muscles with magic, but barely got results. Quin was much better at healing.

  She pouted and looked at the clock on the quartz fireplace. Three-thirty, and he wouldn’t be home until five. Maybe practicing magic would take her mind off him.

  So that’s what she did, but even though flying down the hallway and disappearing in front of the mirror brought her fulfillment and confidence, it didn’t keep her from thinking about Quin.

  She decided to get dressed for dinner, hoping her vast wardrobe would make her forget she was obsessing over a guy, but no such luck. Every time she pulled an outfit from the rack, she wondered if Quin would like it, and this only served to frustrate her, because she had no idea what Quin liked.

  After debating over two outfits for several ridiculous minutes, she picked a long-sleeved lace shirt in antique white, and a long brown skirt with multiple layers, the topmost layer gathered in satin bows and lined with lace.

  She slipped them on and examined herself in the mirror, blushing at the cleavage swelling from the lace bodice. A t-shirt and jeans kind of girl, she’d never owned a top that displayed her cleavage. All through high school, she’d watched guys drool over breasts, unable to look girls in the eye long enough to know whose tits they were ogling, and since Layla had no desire to be their target, she’d kept her bull’s-eyes covered up.

  Now, as she stared at the flushing flesh peaking from her shirt, she found herself wondering if Quin would ogle her cleavage, and if so, how it would make her feel. Uncomfortable? Or would the butterflies in her belly merely spread, energized by his gaze? She was tempted to test him; thereby testing herself.

  The doorbell rang, jolting her from her engrossed state, and she rolled her eyes as she walked down the hall. She glanced at the clock on the fireplace—almost five—and her heart rate spiked. Maybe Quin was home early.

  She ran to the door and yanked it open, finding deep dimples as Quin’s bright aura engulfed her.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he greeted, running his gaze down her body, but it felt nothing like ogling, and his stare didn’t linger on her chest. “I missed you.”

  Layla grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. “I missed you, too.”

  She kicked the door shut before hugging his waist, and he wrapped his arms around her, filling her belly with soothing warmth.

  “Now I’m the one getting spoiled,” he whispered.

  “Did you have a good day?” she asked, finding his handsome smile.

  “No,” he answered. “But it’s perfect now.”

  “Good,” she approved, unable to stifle her grin.

  He leaned in, taking her cheek as he gave her a kiss. Then he slid his thumb over her moist lips. “I see you’ve been busy.”


  “Your magic. You’ve been practicing.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “Your aura.”

  “Oh yeah. What in my aura tells you that?”

  He released her and took a step back. “Find the pearlescent cord spiraling around my body.”

  Layla easily found it, because she’d noticed it before. “I see it, but I don’t know what it means.”

  “It’s called a power band. It’s nonexistent in babies, but as our powers increase, the cord will lengthen, widen and grow more condensed, changing from pure white to pearlescent.”

  “Oh,” she murmured. Then she found his face and smiled. “I missed you.”

  He grinned and stepped forward. “You said that, but you can say it again.”

  “I missed you,” she repeated.

  He wrapped his hands around her waist and picked her up, nuzzling through curls until he found her pulse. After breathing her in for over a minute, he kissed her neck and lowered her feet to the floor. “I’ve missed you more than you’ll ever know. Now, would you like to show me what you learned today?”

  She blushed, worried she might crack under pressure. “I can try.”

  “Then you’ll succeed.”

  She took his hand and led him to the back deck. Then she told him to stay before putting some space between them. “Don’t laugh if I mess up.”

  “I wouldn’t dare,” he agreed.

  She closed her eyes, and Quin took the opportunity to scan her feminine curves.

  “Are you watching?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he answered, flipping his gaze to her face.

  She vanished, melting into shimmers surrounded by a colorful haze. Then her aura paled, curling toward her veiled body in an attempt to hide.

  “Did it work?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he whispered, approaching the sparkling cloud. He carefully reached out, finding her slender hand. Then he pulled her out of her magic and into him. “That’s amazing, Layla. Did you learn those things on your own?”

  “No. Morrigan and Daleen helped. Do you want to see what else I learned?”

  “There’s more?”

  “Just one other thing.”

  “I would love to see.”

  She stood on her toes and gave him a kiss. Then she shot from the ground, performing a triple back-flip before halting and hovering fifteen feet in the air. She grinned at him, well aware of her success, and he grinned back, thinking success looked lovely on her.

  “That was beautiful,” he commended, flying to meet her.

  “Thank you,” she returned, floating into his arms.

  “But I have to admit,” he added, “I’m a little disappointed you no longer need my help. I liked being your safety net.”

  Her grin widened as she flattened herself against him, tilting him back until they were parallel to the ground. “Better?”

  “Perfect,” he whispered, gathering her hair at the nape of her neck. Then he pulled her into a kiss.

  Her body melted into him, giving him exactly what he wanted. Then she took it a step further by sliding her lips to his neck.

  “This is even better than flying,” she whispered.

  He mumbled an agreement as he tilted his head back, and she took advantage, leaving a trail of tingles from one side of his throat to the other. She eventually returned to his mouth, and he grasped her butt, pulling her closer while kissing deeply. A cute little murmur muffled in her throat, and he smiled as he slid his hands to her back and flipped upright.

  She tightened her grip, her sigh tickling his lips. Then she pulled away and laid her head on his shoulder. “Flying together presents some interesti
ng possibilities.”

  “You read my mind,” he replied, keeping her in his arms as he landed. “I hear you have a big night ahead of you. Are you worried?”

  “A little nervous, but not worried. It sounds like a dream come true—connecting with so many people.”

  “I can’t wait to share that connection with you. It’s going to feel incredible.”

  She pulled her face from his neck, blushing as she found his eyes. “I already feel connected to you.”

  “I know, but the bond we’ll form tonight will be different. You’ll see.”

  “When will everything start?”

  “We’ll have dinner between six and seven, but everyone’s on the lawn now.”



  She swallowed and looked east, her jaw flexing as she chewed her lip.

  “It’s going to be great,” he assured.

  “I know,” she mumbled.

  But he wasn’t convinced. “Is there anything I can do to make it easier?”

  “You do too much already, Quin.”

  “I’d love to do more.”

  She found his eyes then looked down, fidgeting with the collar of his shirt. “There is something, but I don’t know if it’s appropriate.”

  “You’ll have to explain.”

  “Well,” she elaborated, cheeks flushing, “I want you to stay with me, but I don’t know how the coven feels about us being together. I’m afraid we’ll make them uncomfortable, and I don’t want you in trouble because of me.”

  Quin stifled a laugh as he tapped the tip of her nose with his own. “I would shout my feelings for you to the world if I could, and not even an angry mob would make me regret it.”