The Servant Read online

Page 12

Benzio blinked as his chest rose and fell, and when Layla reached for his shoulder, he crawled onto her lap, curling his arms between them while burrowing his face in her neck. She rested the portrait against the coffee table and leaned back, wrapping him in a hug, and his quiet sobs brought tears to her eyes. Her jaw flexed as she tried to blink away the moisture, but when she kissed his head, teardrops fell to his hair.

  Warmth caressed her skin as Quin moved closer and trailed a hand down her hair, but he couldn’t stay to comfort them. One of the triplets was getting fussy, so he left the sofa to give them some attention.

  Benzio continued to cry and cuddle, and Layla patiently held him, drawing as much love and comfort from his embrace as he drew from hers. When his sobs quieted, she rubbed his back and whispered in his ear. “I miss them, too.”

  He gave a nod and nuzzled closer.

  “It makes me sad,” Layla added, letting him know he wasn’t alone.

  He clutched her t-shirt as his small voice mumbled into her neck. “Me, too.”

  “I know, sweetie, and that’s okay, but I didn’t paint it to make you sad. I painted it so you can look at them anytime you want. You can even talk to them if you’d like; tell them about your life and all your wishes and fears. They can’t talk back, but sometimes it helps to say what you’re feeling while thinking about them. And now you’ll never forget what they look like. The more you see them and think about them, the better you’ll remember the good moments you shared, like when your dad read to you.”

  “Reading is my favorite.”

  “It was your mom and dad’s favorite, too. Did you know they fell in love when they worked in the library together?”


  “Yep. Your dad told me about it. And he was always reading a book. He’d make notes in them then share them with your mom, and I bet they hoped to share them with you someday.”

  “But they can’t.”

  “That’s true, but you know what?”


  “We can. This coven can. Quin and I will share books with you while we’re here, and when we’re not around, the rest of our family will do it. I know it makes you sad that your mom and dad can’t be here to share with us, but remember, they wanted you to find a family who loves you. You have that now, so wherever your parents are, they’re happy. I know they wish they could be here, but more than anything, they’re glad you’re here. Remember that when you look at their portrait, and maybe the sad feelings won’t be so strong. Instead of being upset that they’re not here, you can be proud of them for giving you a beautiful life, and you can find comfort in knowing they’re happy for you.”

  Benzio remained quiet, soaking it all in, so Layla waited a few seconds before giving him a soft squeeze. “Would you like to try looking at it again? While thinking about happy things? The sadness will still be there, but maybe it won’t feel so strong with all that love in your heart.”

  He hesitated, but eventually gave in, pulling his face from her neck and shifting toward the portrait. He and Layla stared at it together, and their hearts ached despite the positive memories and silver linings, but at least they were able to study it without bawling.

  “That’s better,” she whispered. “And it will get easier with time. Some days might hurt worse than others, but there will also be times you can look at them and feel no sadness at all. Just love and appreciation.”

  “Will we put it in my new room?”

  “Yes, if that’s okay with you. We can hang it on the wall in your special spot.”

  “I think I want to do that.”

  Layla quietly sighed, relieved Benzio was so resilient. Then she summoned another gift onto his lap. “Quin made this one for you. It also has sentimental value.”

  Benzio slowly reached for the paper, his aura expressing both dread and anticipation, so Layla gave him a helping hand by tearing the top of the paper. When he saw the gold replica of the family portrait he’d already adjusted to, his nerves eased, but confusion creased his forehead as he unwrapped the wooden box.

  “What’s inside?” he asked, trying to open it.

  “Nothing yet,” Layla answered. “Quin made it so you’d have a safe place for your letters. After we put them in there, he’ll teach you a spell that will seal it.”

  “Will this go in my special spot, too?”

  “Sure. You can add to it or read your old letters whenever you want. Just take care of it, because you’ll want to keep it forever.”

  “Okay. Do I have to open another one with sentilental value?”

  “Sentamental,” Layla corrected. “There’s one more, but it won’t make you sad right now.” She set aside the box and summoned a smaller package. “The other two were made to help you remember your mom and dad. This one was made to show you how special you are to Quin and me. There will be times when we can’t be here, but you can look at this gift and remember we love you, no matter where we are.”

  This soothed his worries, and he tore open the paper to reveal a velvet box, which he opened to find a leather satchel. With Layla’s help, he loosened the drawstrings, discovering his name embroidered on the inside.

  “That’s me,” he noted, pointing out the first name, but the second name confused him. “What’s that say?”

  “Kavanagh,” Layla answered. “Most people have at least two names, a first name and a surname. Usually we get our surnames from our parents, but your mom and dad never told me theirs, and you don’t remember having one, so Quin’s sharing his. From now on, you’ll be Benzio Kavanagh. That’s the triplets’ surname, too, and since you’re their brother, I thought it would be nice for you to share it with them. If someday we discover the surname your mom and dad used, you can choose which one you want. Some people also have middle names, like Lilyana Rose, Farrow Quillan and Kaedan Conley. Quin’s middle name is Farrel and mine is Love. If you want a middle name, too, I have one in mind. It honors your mom in the same way your first name honors your dad by having Z-I-O at the end. Would you like to hear it?”


  Layla summoned a notepad and pen then wrote down Jacinda’s name. “Your mom’s name started with J-A-C,” she explained, pointing out the letters. Then she began writing his full name. “So I was thinking you could be Benzio Jace Kavanagh. The meaning of the name Jace is healing, and your mom was a healer. What do you think?”

  He stared at the name for several seconds, unconvinced, so Layla suggested he try saying it out loud. He obeyed, his gaze glued to her face in search of approval, which she happily gave. “I love it. Do you?”

  “I love my mom,” he countered.

  Layla’s smile softened as she sent away the notepad. “Then I think it’s appropriate to carry part of her name with you.”

  “Benzio Jace Kavanagh,” he repeated, warming up to the new label. “Okay.”

  “Then it’s settled,” she approved. “You now have three handsome names that honor three incredible people.” She hugged him closer and pointed toward the stitching in the satchel. “We’ll add your middle name later. Keep digging. The gift is in the bag.”

  His small hand disappeared inside the satchel then emerged with a rhodium tag. He noticed the engraving, but probably couldn’t make out anything more than his name, so he flipped it over and tried to read the back.

  “Would you like me to read it to you?” Layla asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  She pointed out the words as she read. “We will love you forever & forget you never. And this side says For Benzio. Always remember. Love, Mom & Dad. And these tiny letters at the bottom spell our names, so you’ll know which mom and dad. Layla & Quinlan. You can wear it on a bracelet or a necklace, or carry it in your satchel, or you can keep it someplace safe in your room, just take good care of it so you’ll have it forever. We made them for your brothers and sister, as well, so that’s something else you can share with them.”

  He stayed silent as he blinked at the words Mom & Dad. Then he closed his fist aro
und the tag and gave Layla a tight hug. “I’ll love you forever, too.”

  She smiled as she hugged him back, squeezing as tightly as she dared while memorizing everything about the moment, and she didn’t let go until he pulled his arms from around her neck.

  “May I put this in my new box?” he asked, holding up the tag.

  “I think that’s a fantastic idea,” Layla agreed, helping him open the lid. Then she summoned his letters and handed them over, letting him stow them, as well.

  “There,” he approved. “All safe. Am I done with presents?”

  “For now. There might be more later.”

  “May I get down?”


  Layla gave him a kiss before letting him off her lap, and he approached his opened gifts, crouching and gathering as many books as he could carry. With his arms awkwardly full, he crossed the room and halted next to Quin. “Will you read with me?”

  Quin was sitting on the floor with his back to a corner chair, and the triplets were piled on him, far more content to lounge on their daddy than a blanket on the floor. He’d been shifting them around and showing them toys, keeping them calm while Layla and Benzio talked, but he didn’t hesitate to give the toddler his attention.

  “I’d love to. Pick one out while I make room on my lap.”

  Layla rose from the couch to help. “Are they ready for brunch?”

  “Lilyana is. She’s confused about whose chest she’s on.”

  Layla laughed while pulling their daughter from his pecs. Then she turned her around and showered her in kisses. “Were you giving your daddy hickeys?”

  “She tried.” Quin handed over Kaedan, but he kept Farrow on one shoulder while motioning for Benzio to sit on his lap. “What kind of adventure are we going on first?”

  Chapter Eight

  Layla nursed while Quin read all of Benzio’s new books. Then he agreed to read a few of the old ones, but Benzio dozed off before they could finish.

  “Sugar crash,” Layla whispered, balancing Lilyana on one shoulder while feeding Farrow. “From that sweet breakfast.”

  Quin had Kaedan in one arm, so he used the assistance of magic to settle Benzio on a nearby blanket. “That and the emotional rollercoaster he’s been on this morning.”

  “He has dealt with a lot of stimulation today.”

  “And there’s more to come. He needs to recharge before we go outside.”

  Quin summoned a crib as he stood. Then he carefully laid Kaedan down before gathering Lilyana. Once she was tucked in with her brother, Quin sat next to Layla, and they both looked at Farrow. His suction had slowed, proving he was full, but he refused to let go or close his eyes. He’d been content to stare at Layla, but when Quin came into the picture, he flipped his gaze between them both, his lips parting and growing lazy.

  “I’d say he’s done,” Layla whispered.

  Farrow gripped her breast tighter and resumed suckling, as if he knew she was about to take it away, or perhaps her voice merely reminded him it was there. She quietly laughed, willing to indulge him, but when Quin spoke, Farrow stilled.

  “Hey, little man. Are you hogging all the good stuff?”

  Farrow’s gaze traveled down his dad’s face, and that’s when it happened. With a nipple tucked into one corner of his mouth, his lips lifted into a smile – a genuine, heart-melting, toothless grin that brought out his dimples and crinkled his dark eyes.

  Layla gasped as her heart leapt. Then she covered her mouth with a palm to mute her excited squeal. “Did you see that? He smiled. That was a real smile.”

  “I think you’re right,” Quin agreed, his aura brightening around them. Then he began talking to Farrow, trying to get another grin.

  A few sweetly spoken sentiments and an encouraging smile was all it took, and this time Farrow pulled away from Layla’s breast to beam at his daddy. His grin was lazy because he was full and tired, but it was definitely real.

  “It’s so perfect,” Layla praised, giddy with excitement. “Have you ever seen such a beautiful smile?”

  Quin flipped his gaze from Farrow’s face to hers. “Yes.”

  She knew her grin was cheesy, but she was too happy to tone it down. “He has your smile,” she pointed out, touching a tiny dimple, “and it’s gorgeous.”

  “We’ll see it all the time now, and I bet his brother and sister aren’t far behind him.”

  “I hope so. What an amazing Christmas present. How did we get so lucky?”

  “Love,” Quin answered, pulling Farrow from her lap.

  He sat him on one leg and patted his back, getting another sleepy smile and a burp, and his little head wobbled as he dozed off. Quin quietly laughed while pulling him in for a kiss. Then he rose from the sofa and tucked him in next to Lilyana.

  Layla smiled and stretched, and she still had her arms extended when Quin lunged. He wrapped her in a hug and tackled her to her back, cushioning their fall with magic, yet she yelped into his lips, her head spinning as adrenaline spiked her pulse.

  Coming to her senses, she giggled at his game, and he grinned while giving her a kiss. “I love you.”

  Her heart warmed as she kissed him back, getting lost in his sensational love for several seconds, but she needed to pump soon or skip it altogether. Halting the make-out session, she summoned an empty bottle and held it in front of his face. “I have to do this if we want to continue our dates.”

  “We definitely do.” He went in for one more kiss. Then he pulled her with him as he sat up.

  While Layla prepped to pump, she mind searched Morrigan. Then she focused on Quin to find him focused on her breasts. “You’re staring,” she laughed.

  He smiled, unabashed by his behavior. “Are you objecting?”


  “Would you like some help?”

  “No. I want you to open that present.”

  Quin followed her gaze to the floor, finding a large, rectangular package.

  “That’s not chewed gum,” he teased, but his heart was already swelling. She would never get him a gift just for the sake of handing it over, so he knew she’d put a lot of thought into whatever was in the package.

  “It can’t compare to what you’ve given me,” she insisted, “but I think that’s your goal.”

  He laughed as he scooted to the edge of the sofa. “My only goal is to make you happy.”

  “I believe you, but I’m way behind when it comes to gifts. You shower me with presents, but I’ve never given you anything.”

  “I don’t need anything.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “Maybe not, but a woman as beautiful as you should have beautiful possessions, and I have the means to give them to you.”

  “And what should a man as gorgeous as you have?”

  “The opportunity to spoil a beautiful woman.”

  He meant it, and she knew it, her lights swelling and making the room brighter. “Open your present,” she laughed. “Let me spoil you for a change.”

  He tore away the paper, anticipating something sweet, but he wasn’t prepared for the affect the gift would have on his heart. He’d revealed the back of a canvas, and when he flipped it around, he was met with his angel’s smiling face and his kids’ enamored eyes.

  His throat swelled as he studied the family portrait, which had all six of them in it, but they weren’t posed and looking forward. They were sitting in the garden, and he and Layla were helping the kids pet an alpaca.

  He swallowed, searching for words worthy of her gift, but none of them seemed good enough. “This is amazing, Layla. Did you paint it?”

  “I had help. Morrigan used it for our lessons, and I couldn’t paint myself, so she gets the credit for my face. It’s copied from one of the photos she took the first time we visited the garden with the kids. Remember?”

  He gave a nod, unlikely to forget one of the best days of his life. “It’s crazy how much they’ve grown in a matter of weeks.”

  “I know. They kept gettin
g bigger as I was painting, and I found myself wanting to change the portrait with them; paint it the way they look now instead of then. They were so scrawny.”

  “They’re perfect. And this is the most touching present I’ve ever received.” He leaned back and found her eyes, his chest and throat clogged. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. It seems kind of egotistical to give someone a portrait of yourself, but what else do you give a man who loves his family like you do?”

  He returned his gaze to his gift. “How could I not? Look at you.”

  “It’s a good picture.”

  He scanned the portrait once more. Then he set it aside and moved closer to her, careful not to spill her milk as he kissed her cheek. “It’s my reality, and it’s stunning.”

  As soon as Layla’s breasts ran dry and the milk was sent to storage, Quin went back in for her lips, but he wasn’t aiming for anything more than steamy kisses, which were the ultimate foreplay so early in the day. And perhaps that was his point. The more he worked her up when they couldn’t leave the world behind, the quicker she submitted when he finally got her alone.

  About an hour into naptime, he abandoned her lips and picked her up. Then he carried her to the master bathroom. After showing her how to work the new shower, he gave her a lingering kiss and returned to the living room, taking kid duty so she could get ready in peace.

  Layla couldn’t stifle her indulged grin as she watched him go. Then she took a long shower, her vision swimming with calming shades of blue as her muscles melted under the warm water raining from the ceiling.

  As she stood at the vanity drying her hair, she was once again struck by the unbelievable twists her life had taken. She’d spent her previous Christmas in a house that probably cost as much as the bathroom she stood in, and she’d stayed in sweatpants all day, not even bothering to shower. That morning, she’d awoken like it was any other day, except the diner was closed so she didn’t have to work, and she’d made a point to smile and wish her mom Merry Christmas before spoon-feeding her breakfast next to the scrawny tree Layla bought and decorated by herself. Katherine had been deteriorating for months and was days away from death, so she was in the worst shape she’d ever been and couldn’t return Layla’s smiles or acknowledge the holiday. Layla didn’t even hope for company that day. She didn’t expect any presents or phone calls, and she didn’t get any. She and her invalid mom sat on the sofa all day watching Christmas movies. When Layla wasn’t feeding her mom pureed food, she was stuffing herself with junk food, and she didn’t care… about anything. All she had to do was get Katherine through the day, so that was what she did.