Free Novel Read

The Servant


  Title Page


  Book List

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  the servant

  Earth Angel Series

  Book 16

  B.C. Burgess

  Copyright © 2012 - 2017 B.C. Burgess

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, store in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the above author of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status or trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This is the Young Adult version of The Mystic Series.

  Bandit Publishing

  N. Redington Beach, FL

  ISBN: 978-1-946793-39-3

  The Earth Angel Series

  The Letter

  The Ring

  The Coven

  The Lie

  The Stranger

  The Fall

  The Bond

  The Choice

  The Heart

  The Crusaders

  The Guardians

  The Abduction

  The Sacrifice

  The Invasion

  The Institute

  The Servant

  The Alliance

  The Council

  The Gauntlet

  If you’d like to talk about the series with the author and other readers, come join Earth Angel Group on Facebook.

  Chapter One

  The sun barely peeked over the trees Wednesday morning when Quin and Layla blinked the sleep from their eyes and started their day. For the first time since they’d come home with their children, they had plans outside the community, making their morning more hectic than usual, and Layla found renewed appreciation for their laid-back lifestyle.

  Nursing the triplets took well over an hour, so Quin was dealt the busier hand, but he handled it as smoothly as ever. After getting Layla situated with two babies, he took the third with him while helping Benzio in the bathroom. Then he fixed and served breakfast with one hand. By the time Layla and the triplets had eaten, Quin and Benzio had showered and dressed, and there were outfits laid out for the rest of them. Quin cleaned and dressed the babies while Layla showered, and around two hours after they awoke, they walked out the door.

  Layla’s grandparents were climbing the stairs to her porch, but when they saw her emerge, they halted and widened their eyes.

  “What a beautiful sight,” Morrigan praised. “We were on our way to help you get ready, but it looks like you managed without us.”

  “Quin managed,” Layla corrected, watching Benzio rush to hug his grandparents.

  Caitrin smiled as he climbed the remaining steps and squeezed Quin’s shoulder. “A lot of responsibility falls on the dad when the mom’s nursing, but history proves Quinlan’s a good man for the job.”

  “Thank you,” Quin returned. “But it’s not work.” He looked at Layla to make sure she understood. “It’s my pleasure.”

  She did understand, and she offered him a smile while moving closer.

  Morrigan happily chattered between kisses to Layla and the triplets. “Since you’re ready, let’s gather everyone and be on our way. We have a fun day ahead.”

  Serafin knelt next to Benzio and pulled a small, black cloak from his satchel. “Look what your grandmas made you.”

  Benzio beamed and slid his arms in. “It’s just like yours.”

  “Pretty close.”

  Benzio held still long enough for Serafin to lift the hood and fasten the clasp. Then the toddler hugged Daleen’s and Morrigan’s skirts while offering them sweet thank yous.

  Despite being surrounded by family and wrapped in spells, Layla and Quin stayed nervous through the flight to the Cormac/Adair community, fretting over the triplets’ health and wary of outside danger.

  As they landed on the hosts’ lawn, they dropped their concealment spells and scanned the guests, which included members of the Owen/Sullivan coven. Everyone present was a trusted ally, but many of them had been kept in the dark about Layla’s pregnancy until after the babies were born, and only a handful had visited since Quin and Layla returned home with four kids. Curiosity etched the faces of those seeing the family of six for the first time, but they remained patient, giving them space while demanding the pets do the same. The Cormac’s wolfhounds dropped to their bellies as the smaller animals sat at their owners’ heels, and Layla and Quin relaxed while examining their kids.

  The Crusaders had been informed of the trip, and Tristan had personally selected a unit of fifty soldiers to secure the Cormac/Adair borders during Layla and Quin’s visit. The precaution eased Layla’s fear of outside danger, but nothing could save her from the discomfort of sharing her infants, no matter how healthy they were or how much faith she had in the people passing them around.

  Quin did his best to soothe her anxiety, and rather than criticize her for being an overprotective mom, he let her clutch his hand while following their babies around. No one complained about their hovering, and everyone was smitten with the triplets and Benzio, especially Caitlyn, Maeveen, and Kegan’s mom.

  As the infants were passed into the huge hands of some of Weylin’s relatives, there was a light tug on Layla’s skirt, and a small voice floated from a spot near her knees. “Hi.”

  Layla looked down, finding big, lime-green eyes set in a sweet face. “Shaylee,” she greeted, releasing Quin’s hand so she could kneel. “You’ve gotten so big since the last time I saw you.”

  Layla opened her arms for a hug, and Shaylee climbed into them, holding on tight as Layla stood. “Do you remember me?” Layla asked, certain Shaylee’s young mind hadn’t retained memories from months ago, but she smiled while grasping at the air around Layla’s head.

  “Your aura.”

  “You remember my aura?”


  Layla grinned, always stunned by the intelligence of magical children. “You’re a smart little girl, Shaylee, and I’m glad you remember me, because I’ll never forget you.”

  Kegan approached and softly tapped Shaylee’s nose. “Who could forget a pretty face like this?”

  As soon as Shaylee saw her uncle, she forgot about Layla and leapt into Kegan’s arms, squeezing and nuzzling his neck. He lightly laughed as he rubbed her back and kissed her platinum hair. “Someone misses me.”

  His sister Kellyn jabbed his ribs as she walked by. “She misses you because you spoil her rotten. Do you have any idea how often I hear her say Uncle Keg lets me?” She paused to give Brietta a hug. Then she turned to Kegan and impersonated her daughter. “But Uncle Keg lets me have two desserts. But Uncle Keg lets me read three books at bedtime. But Uncle
Keg hung the moon and stars and never made me do anything I didn’t want to do. Nyle and I are having a hell of a time living up to your standards.”

  Shaylee flashed a guilty smile, and Kegan laughed while giving Kellyn a shrug. “Sorry, sis. I can’t say no to this face.” He summoned a cookie and passed it to Shaylee. “Let the spoiling commence.”

  Dinner was scheduled for later that afternoon, but the triplets couldn’t wait, so after introducing them to everyone, Quin gathered them up and led Layla to a secluded area near one of the houses. “If you’re uncomfortable nursing in front of everyone, I’ll understand, but I don’t want you spending half your day inside, so please consider feeding them out here. I’ll help provide coverage.”

  “Okay,” she agreed, glancing at her purple dress. The material was somewhat stretchy, and the neckline was deep enough she could free her boobs without altering the gown or dropping her bodice.

  Quin’s head bobbed as he raised an eyebrow. “Okay?”

  “Yeah.” She pulled Lilyana from his arms and headed for her grandparents, who sat on one of several blankets spread out on the lawn. They were surrounded by friends from the other covens, but they’d saved her a spot between them.

  Quin caught up with Layla then kept her pace, and she could tell he was analyzing her aura, so she saved him time. “Stop, Quin. I don’t have any hidden agendas or reservations about doing this. These are your friends, and this may be your last Thanksgiving with them. Plus, it could be the only time I ever take part in something like this, so I won’t let a little discomfort keep me inside. Besides, I seriously doubt anyone here will sexualize me breastfeeding our kids.”

  “They better not,” he returned, getting mad at the mere idea.

  Layla laughed and raised a palm. “See? I’m okay with this, Quin. I promise.”

  “I can tell.”

  “Then you can stop reading my aura.”

  He smirked and shook his head. “Yeah, that’s not happening.”

  After getting comfortable on the ground, Quin used magic and receiving blankets to make a curtain around Layla’s torso, so she didn’t need assistance unless she was switching out kids or coaxing them to latch on. This left Quin free to visit with his friends, which was exactly what Layla wanted.

  Shortly before noon, Kegan and Weylin started gathering the kids into groups. Then Benzio broke free from his peers and ran to Layla. He halted and took a moment to check on the triplets. Then he filled his small lungs and addressed Quin.

  “Wey says to tell you he wants me to play a game. Something called football.”

  Layla’s forehead wrinkled as she glanced at the ball in Weylin’s hand. “Magicians play American football?”

  “Something similar,” Quin answered. “But hockey’s more popular around here.”

  “Will you help me play?” Benzio asked.

  Quin peered across the lawn and found Weylin watching him. Then he laughed while looking at Layla. “Weylin’s trying to turn a kid’s game into a competition.”

  “Figures. You know what this means, right?”


  “You and Benzio have to go kick his ass.”

  Quin grinned as he kissed her cheek. Then he passed Kaedan to Cordelia and turned to Benzio. “Ready to win?”

  Benzio leapt and punched the air. “Yeah!”

  The game that followed was one of the most adorable things Layla had ever seen – around a dozen children, none of them older than five, running this way when they were supposed to run that way, making the cutest mistakes and celebrating the smallest accomplishments, all of them grinning and laughing within bright and hyper auras.

  Because the ages varied and the genders were mixed, tackling wasn’t allowed, so the game was similar to tag football, and Layla was able to stay calm while cheering from the sidelines. Though she’d told Quin to kick Weylin’s ass, she couldn’t favor a team, because she loved all the kids. Even Shaylee was out there, not even two-years-old as she chased after the others on unsteady legs, taking a light spill on occasion, but she always hopped back up, and at least one player would stop to make sure she was okay.

  Most of the guests watched the game, and though the bulk of their focus stayed on the kids, the three men involved couldn’t be ignored. Kegan was acting as a referee while directing the children on the rules, and Quin and Weylin stuck with their teams, stepping into the roles of coach, player and protector. And they looked damn sexy doing it.

  When the game ended, Layla had no idea who won, and most of the kids didn’t care enough to ask. But after congratulating their teams on a game well played, Quin and Weylin met in the middle of the clearing, and even though they didn’t make a big show of their rivalry, it was obvious by Weylin’s scowl and Quin’s grin who’d won.

  “After dinner,” Weylin demanded, patching his wounded ego while watching Quin walk away. “We’ll play a serious game, and I’ll kick your ass myself.”

  Layla and Quin laughed, and he gave her a wink before replying over his shoulder. “We’ll see.”

  The next two games were reserved for the older kids. Then dozens of grown magicians flooded the field for a coed game. With her nursing schedule, Layla couldn’t commit to playing, so she and Quin watched from their blanket, laughing at the witches taking advantage of the wizards’ inherent need to protect their feminine counterparts. None of the men in the clearing would dare tackle a woman, but if a guy had the ball, he was fair game, and every female on the opposite team would pounce. The wizards took the inequality in stride, and some of them overtly enjoyed finding themselves under a pile of women, but the witches were in it to win it and didn’t go easy on anyone, especially each other. They didn’t scratch or pull hair, but they had no qualms about risking broken bones to take each other to the ground. And even though the men refused to get rough with the women, they weren’t helpless. Most of them could snag a witch around her waist, pick her up, and simply pluck the ball from her hands.

  Aradia remained uncomfortable with personal contact, so she didn’t play, but Layla could tell she was enjoying the games, and Banning had sacrificed his desire to compete in order to keep her company.

  When the coed game ended, Brietta and Skyla practically carried each other off the field, looking like drunken brawlers as they healed wounds.

  Skyla plopped down near Layla. Then Brietta did the same, praising Skyla’s skill between huffs and puffs. “The look on Wey’s face when you made that catch.”

  Skyla laughed as she tilted her head back and filled her lungs. “Was it good?”


  Quin looked over and scanned Skyla’s aura. “They don’t know who they’re dealing with.”

  She smiled and found his eyes. “You do.”

  “I do, but I’m not the only one watching now. You got their attention.”

  Layla thought she sensed discontent in Quin’s tone, and Skyla must have heard it, too, because her smile fell as her forehead wrinkled. “About time,” she returned, challenging Quin to argue otherwise.

  His expression didn’t shift, and there were no emotional clues as he intently searched his cousin. Then, as if the past thirty seconds hadn’t happened, he warmly smiled and looked away. “Now they’ll stop underestimating you.”

  Skyla’s confusion deepened as she mumbled a reply. “Right.” Then she glanced at Brietta, who countered with a we’ll talk later look, so Skyla relaxed and playfully slapped Quin’s knee. “I learned from the best.”

  “Glad I could help,” he offered, “but your focus is what gives you an edge. Bri spent more time chasing squirrels than listening to my advice.”

  He flashed a teasing grin at Brietta, who scowled and geared up to object, but she didn’t get a chance. Dinner was announced, and Quin laughed at Brietta’s disgruntled expression while getting to his feet.

  The food was delicious, the company was highly entertaining, and the various toasts made by coven elders were welcoming and heartfelt. Layla wanted to try every dish o
n the table, but after one plateful, she worried another bite would put her in a food coma.

  Benzio had stuffed himself and started nodding off at the table, nearly dropping his face in a pile of mashed potatoes, so Quin pulled him onto his lap and laid his head on his shoulder, letting him nap through dessert.

  After leaving the table, everyone lounged on the blankets for a while, letting their meal settle. Then the witches on the lawn were given yet another reason to be thankful as several wizards played a shirtless game of football.

  Layla had seen a lot of beautiful things since entering the magical world, but few visions could compare to dozens of handsome men playing a rough and competitive sport. All the wizards were unique, with various hairstyles, heights and facial features, and the ages ranged from sixteen to well over forty. But every single one of them was attractive enough to grace the covers of fitness magazines, and they were surrounded by lovely auras while flashing heart-melting smiles.

  “Holy abs overload,” Layla mumbled, scanning the field. Then she studied the spectators, finding every woman on the lawn raptly watching the game.

  “You got that right,” Brietta agreed. “My lady bits are tingling.”

  Layla laughed as she glanced at her grandmas and Cinnia, who merely smiled their agreement, never too old to appreciate a fine physique.

  “You aren’t the only one,” Skyla offered, keeping her gaze on the game as she refilled her wine. “I’m surprised the lawn isn’t quaking with all the tingling going on.”

  Aradia leaned close to Layla and whispered. “Do the guys know they’re being objectified?”

  “They’re not,” Layla countered. “No one here thinks of them as objects. And just because we mention their abs doesn’t mean we don’t love the rest of them. A huge part of the appeal is their smiles and auras and the way they play. And yes, I’m sure they know we’re watching, and I’m sure they’re glad we’re watching. It would thrill them to know our lady bits are tingling.”